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Ingame Roleplay
02:45:37 Mar 20th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

I think it's fun how these things are ^^

Hello mister...

Could you please tell me what's inside of your cities "Rare Air" and "Reborn"? I sent scouts but big bad whoophie keeps huffin an a fuffin them. It would really help me if you tell... ^^

Strawberries an Marshmellows:
Mr. Dalak The Licker of Clams [Havoc] (3/7/2008 7:12:06 AM) GOOD BAD
Hi Miss,

I would be more than happy to inform you of our defenses. We have 10 hammers, 9 archmages, 8 knights, 7 ogres, 6 adventurers, 5 soldiers, 4 axemen, 3 mages, 2 nazguls and a partridge in a pear tree. I sincerly hope this helps.

Peaches and cream.
You (3/7/2008 7:13:30 AM)

Thank you mister...

Wow dats alot! I need to train more of those ugly things with gooey nasty stuff on their hands. Ill let ya know when im ready. Untill then...

Sealled with a kitten... Meow! =^.^=

Oops... I posted in politics

My bad :P

09:32:18 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

uh are you ok geneva?


17:39:01 Mar 20th 08 - Sir Craultus:


17:45:40 Mar 20th 08 - Lord Seloc:

lol, you could of at least said nazzie in a pear tree.

18:32:18 Mar 20th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

I was pretty worried about the partridge. They could get nasty.

22:01:12 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfbrother:

My worries would be he licks clams... I mean cant he just eat them?? Licking them?? Thats just torturing the things..

23:10:54 Mar 20th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/19/2008 5:55:28 PM) GOOD BAD
That wasnt very nice :(

He meant you no harm, now ive got to go and tell the wives and kids you killed their daddy :'(
You (3/19/2008 5:58:47 PM)
Im going to kill his family, and his cat aswell!
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/19/2008 6:00:44 PM) GOOD BAD

Not the cat, for pity's sake leave the cat alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can have the wife she's been hit by the ugly stick :)
You (3/19/2008 6:02:56 PM)
Im going to kill Mr.Snukems the cat tongiht !

I dont want that troll of a women near me ! Eww!
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/19/2008 6:08:19 PM) GOOD BAD
Put a paper bag over her head and she goes like a steam train though :D

Wait a minute look out behind you !!!!!

* stuffs Mr.Snukems up his shirt while Revenge is distracted *

Unfortunately I dont know where the cat has gone, he appears to have run away :P

* hopes his cunning plan works *
You (3/19/2008 7:00:31 PM)

Nice try but I am no fool!
That blood dribbling out from your shirt and the meowing does sound slighty susspicous!
Revenge rips the t-shirt off and sees Mr.Snukems
Revenge chases after the cat as It runs down the road

Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 10:00:41 AM) GOOD BAD
Man will you just let it go.......

The cats gone and you'll never find him!!!!
You (3/20/2008 10:01:46 AM)
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 10:03:32 AM) GOOD BAD
Run Snukems.... RUN !!!!
You (3/20/2008 10:05:11 AM)
/me gets out my cat tracker
He heads west!

/me jumps on a big dog and rides after Mr.Snukems
You (3/20/2008 3:23:10 PM)
I have found Snukums !
You cannot run forever!
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 3:24:56 PM) GOOD BAD
Run Forrest Ru.....

Ahem sorry wrong person :P

You (3/20/2008 4:17:33 PM)
Dam you Snukems!
Ill get you!
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 4:21:10 PM) GOOD BAD
Go Snukems Go Go Go

* getting concerned about the fact that he needs his kitty litter tray *
You (3/20/2008 4:22:21 PM)
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 4:24:11 PM) GOOD BAD
How could you ;'(

Poor little Snukems all I have left of you is your little collar and Litter Tray.

He will live on in our hearts forever.

You BEAST !!!

* waits to tell him about Snukems big Brother *
You (3/20/2008 4:26:25 PM)
Die Snukems Die !

Im just a heartless murderer!

Bring on his big brother!
Mr. Von Darkmoor [Havoc] (3/20/2008 4:28:46 PM) GOOD BAD
Send for Snukems Revenge !!!!

* well at least we would but cant till next tic cos i spent every penny this tic and dont have enough to make an army :P *
You (3/20/2008 4:43:21 PM)
Me and my 2.5k axemen will kill ALL your cats!

10:59:41 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


11:10:25 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Wth...

11:11:46 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

lmao wtf revenge?

thats funny

11:17:47 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

I killed one of Von Darkmoor's scouts { Hes in Carnage }
Thats how it all started xD

Then he made another scout called
I chased it for a while, then I BTed to catch it  x]

This was all happening in the middle of an Abydos and Carnage merge war lol
It was really funny  x]

11:20:23 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.... Doinks.. You guys surely has nothing else better to do huh.. xD

11:21:31 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

haha i reckon

11:34:26 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Nope  :p

11:39:12 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

lol nice

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